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/* AlgoSampObject.h */
#ifndef Included_AlgoSampObject_h
#define Included_AlgoSampObject_h
/* AlgoSampObject module depends on */
/* MiscInfo.h */
/* Audit */
/* Debug */
/* Definitions */
/* AlgoSampList */
/* Memory */
/* DataMunging */
/* CodeCenter */
/* PcodeStack */
/* PcodeSystem */
/* MainWindowStuff */
/* Alert */
/* Numbers */
/* SampleStorageActual */
/* AlgoSampWindow */
/* SampleConsts */
/* CompilerRoot */
/* FunctionCode */
/* BufferedFileInput */
/* BufferedFileOutput */
#include "SampleConsts.h"
#include "MainWindowStuff.h"
struct AlgoSampObjectRec;
typedef struct AlgoSampObjectRec AlgoSampObjectRec;
/* forward declarations */
struct CodeCenterRec;
struct MainWindowRec;
struct AlgoSampListRec;
struct BufferedFileInput;
struct BufferedFileOutput;
/* allocate and create a new empty algorithmic sample object, with reasonable defaults */
AlgoSampObjectRec* NewAlgoSampObject(struct CodeCenterRec* CodeCenter,
struct MainWindowRec* MainWindow,
struct AlgoSampListRec* AlgoSampList);
/* dispose of an algorithmic sample object */
void DisposeAlgoSampObject(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* find out if algorithmic sample object has been modified */
MyBoolean HasAlgoSampObjectBeenModified(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* build the algorithmic sample. returns True if successful. */
MyBoolean AlgoSampObjectBuild(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* unconditionally unbuild the algorithmic sample */
void AlgoSampObjectUnbuild(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* build the algorithmic sample if necessary. return True if successful. */
MyBoolean AlgoSampObjectMakeUpToDate(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* get a copy of the algorithmic sample's name. */
char* AlgoSampObjectGetNameCopy(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* set the algorithmic sample's name. the object becomes the owner of the Name */
/* block so the caller should not release it. */
void AlgoSampObjectNewName(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj, char* Name);
/* get a copy of the formula that generates the algorithmic sample */
char* AlgoSampObjectGetFormulaCopy(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* install a new formula into the algorithmic sample. the object becomes the owner */
/* of the formula, so the caller should not release it */
void AlgoSampObjectNewFormula(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
char* Formula);
/* get the number of bits in a channel for the algorithmic sample */
NumBitsType AlgoSampObjectGetNumBits(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* change the number of bits in a channel for the algorithmic sample */
void AlgoSampObjectPutNumBits(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
NumBitsType NewNumBits);
/* get the number of channels in the algorithmic sample */
NumChannelsType AlgoSampObjectGetNumChannels(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* change the number of channels for the algorithmic sample */
void AlgoSampObjectPutNumChannels(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
NumChannelsType NewNumChannels);
/* get the number of data frames in the algorithmic sample */
long AlgoSampObjetGetNumFrames(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* get the loop control values. if the loop end and loop start are the same, */
/* then there is no loop. Note that these values are NOT bounds checked in any */
/* way so it is the callers responsibility to deal with nonsensical values. */
long AlgoSampObjectGetOrigin(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
long AlgoSampObjectGetLoopStart1(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
long AlgoSampObjectGetLoopStart2(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
long AlgoSampObjectGetLoopStart3(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
long AlgoSampObjectGetLoopEnd1(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
long AlgoSampObjectGetLoopEnd2(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
long AlgoSampObjectGetLoopEnd3(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* get algorithmic sample attributes */
long AlgoSampObjectGetSamplingRate(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
double AlgoSampObjectGetNaturalFrequency(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* get a pointer to the raw data for the sample. this pointer is the */
/* actual data, not a copy, so don't dispose of it. if any operations are performed */
/* on the sample, this pointer may become invalid. format of raw data: */
/* - mono, 8-bit: array of signed bytes */
/* - stereo, 8-bit: array of signed bytes, grouped in pairs. the one lower in */
/* memory is the left channel */
/* - mono, 16-bit: array of signed short integers (either 2 or 4 bytes) */
/* - stereo, 16-bit: array of signed short integers, grouped in pairs. the one */
/* lower in memory is the left channel */
/* if it returns NIL, then the thing couldn't be built */
char* AlgoSampObjectGetRawData(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* change the loop control values and attributes */
void AlgoSampObjectPutOrigin(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
long Origin);
void AlgoSampObjectPutLoopStart1(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
long LoopStart);
void AlgoSampObjectPutLoopStart2(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
long LoopStart);
void AlgoSampObjectPutLoopStart3(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
long LoopStart);
void AlgoSampObjectPutLoopEnd1(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
long LoopEnd);
void AlgoSampObjectPutLoopEnd2(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
long LoopEnd);
void AlgoSampObjectPutLoopEnd3(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
long LoopEnd);
void AlgoSampObjectPutSamplingRate(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
long SamplingRate);
void AlgoSampObjectPutNaturalFrequency(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
double NaturalFrequency);
/* call which makes object open its editor window */
MyBoolean AlgoSampObjectOpenWindow(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);
/* this is called by the window when it is closing to notify the object. */
/* the object should not take any action. */
void AlgoSampObjectClosingWindowNotify(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
short NewX, short NewY, short NewWidth, short NewHeight);
/* the document's name has changed, so the windows need to be updated */
void AlgoSampObjectGlobalNameChange(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
char* NewFilename);
/* read from the file and create a new algorithmic sample object from it. */
FileLoadingErrors AlgoSampObjectNewFromFile(AlgoSampObjectRec** ObjectOut,
struct BufferedInputRec* Input, struct CodeCenterRec* CodeCenter,
struct MainWindowRec* MainWindow,
struct AlgoSampListRec* AlgoSampList);
/* write the object out to the specified file. */
FileLoadingErrors AlgoSampObjectWriteOutData(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj,
struct BufferedOutputRec* Output);
/* mark the object as saved */
void AlgoSampObjectMarkAsSaved(AlgoSampObjectRec* AlgoSampObj);